Acne Treatment | Scarring | Dubbo | Creative Skin and Laser
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Active Acne, Skin Irritation, Congestion, Blackheads, Cystic Acne, Fungal Acne, Acne Scars, Hormonal Acne, Acne Rosacea. 

Acne is a skin disorder which involves the pilosebaceous units of the skin.

There is often more than one cause when it comes to acne meaning there is no quick, one method fixes. A chronic inflammatory condition of the hair follicle and its sebaceous gland, acne closely reflects the state of the body’s hormonal and immunity systems. There are both genetic or external triggers such as, birth control pills, cosmetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, medications, picking and squeezing pimples, friction and pressure on the skin, lifestyle and climate conditions.

Our specially selected Ocosmedics cosmedical skincare range is ideal for acne-prone and congested skin.

Once an appropriate skin-care regime and diet is in place, a number of treatments can be offered such as Carbon Peels, Laser Acne Treatments and/or skin peels treatments should be considered. A combination of treatments are usually the most effective.


Remember... consistency and patience is key! 

Acne Treatments


Carbon Peels are performed by applying carbon creme to the effected area. The carbon absorbs into the pores, and is then targeted by the laser.  This unique treatment heats and shrinks the sebaceous glands, reduces pore-size, reduces oily skin, and kills acne causing bacteria. 


Skin Peels clear away old skin and stimulate the regeneration of new skin. The renewed skin is then clearer, smoother and more even. To do this, peels embrace the power of naturally derived acids or chemicals and different ingredients combat different concerns. 

Laser Acne treatment involves powerful laser energy which breaks down the pigments in acne marks, and can even help prevent breakout. It killls the P-acne bacteria, and can shrink the skin’s oil glands. Note that it’s not the skin’s oil that causes breakouts. The real issue is when the pores are clogged with sebum and redundant skin cells. However, controlling excess oil production can lower your risk for acne especially when paired with an effective everyday skincare regimen.

There is also research that acne breakouts tend to be less severe and inflamed after a laser treatment.  This is also dependant on your own case history – how often you get breakouts, what kind of breakouts you get, and the cause – Q-switch laser can play an important role in pro-active acne control.

LED Therapy  is a well-recognised cosmetic and medical treatment that delivers a dosage of specific narrowband light to targeted areas of the skin, stimulating the naturally occurring regeneration and repair processes. This non-invasive treatment is a gentle and natural approach to delivering skin treatments much like the process of photosynthesis.

Sebaceous Ablation is a non-invasive technique employed on acne to eliminate recurring breakouts and inflamed acne lesions. A very small insulated probe is inserted into the affected follicle/cyst and a small burst of energy is delivered to destroy the sebaceous gland. Once the sebaceous gland is ablated or destroyed, it can no longer break out. Only active acne can be treated as we use the inflamed breakout as a guide to finding the affected sebaceous glands. Usually enjoyed as an upgrade to a skin treatment.


Acne treatment Dubbo, Facial Dubbo, Laser Clinic Dubbo, Beauty Salon.

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