Pigmentation | Dubbo | Creative Skin and Laser
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Melasma, Sunspots, Freckles, Lentigines, Seborrheic Keratoses, Age Spots, Sun Damage

Pigmentation are patches of skin that become darker in colour than surrounding skin. Some people have abnormal skin pigmentation from a young age, and for others it is brought on later in life by sun damage, injury to the skin, medications and inflammation (including acne). Individuals of all ages, ethnicities and skin types can be affected, although those with darker skin tones are more prone to develop it.


The trick to removing pigment is to use a combination of treatments and determine which one works best for your skin type.

A targeted skincare routine can help reduce pigmentation and achieve brighter, glowing skin along side the Q-Switch laser, Diathermy and skin peels are most commonly used for removing brown age spots, freckles and many more. 


Generally a combination of skin treatments coupled with your home skincare regime will give the best results. 

Your Dermal Therapist will identify your specific type of lesion and discuss the removal success rate associated with it.

Important: The laser cannot be used for the removal of lesions that are cancerous or suspected of being cancerous. If there is any suspicion that the lesion may be cancerous, we will strongly recommend that you consult your General Medical Practitioner without delay.


Pigmentation Removal Treatments

Q -Switch Laser creates an invisible beam of light that specifically targets the brown pigment or melanin present in the dark spots without having any affect on the surrounding skin. The pigment absorbs the laser energy and gets fragmented within the skin's tissues, thereby giving you smooth and even skin tone. The laser reaches hard to reach deeper areas where products or peels etc do not reach.


It usually takes about 6-8 sessions for the service to work effectively. It's a no down-time service (depending on the wavelength) and you may return to work or play immediately after.

Chemical Peels improves appearance of hyperpigmentation conditions such as age spots, melasma, discolouration caused due to acne scarring etc. can be improved using chemical peels. The level of aggressiveness of the treatment decides the level of effectiveness and the benefits of the treatment. The procedure uses a variety of acids that exfoliate the upper layers of the skin, which helps to give the skin a fresh feel and rejuvenated appearance.

A course of treatments are recommended for best results.

Advanced Techniques with Diathermy is excellent for small darker patches of pigmentation. Working with a tiny precision probe that emits a currency of shortwave diathermy, smaller areas of dark pigmentation can be targeted to injure and dehydrate the surface of the pigmentation, pigmentation may in some instances be lifted off the skin.

After treatment, there will naturally be some scabbing which can last up to 2 weeks. Up to 3 treatments are recommended with a minimum of 4 week periods in between treatments so that the skin is fully healed and outcomes of initial treatment revealed.

Skin Pigmentation, Pigmentation Removal Dubbo, Laser Clinic.

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