RF Skin Needling Dubbo | Skin Needling | Creative Skin and Laser
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A solution to help restore youthful skin without surgery or downtime,  offers skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, and textural improvements.

What is it?

SECRET RF Needling, short for Radiofrequency Needling, is a major advancement on skin needling/microneedling. Like skin needling/microneedling, it treats ageing and textural concerns, but it can treat deeper scarring, some skin sagging and more stubborn textural concerns because it can safely reach deeper layers of the skin.

Some of the skin concerns that the SECRET RF can treat include:

Tighten the skin

Improve fine lines and wrinkles

Enhance skin elasticity and thinning skin

Improve the appearance of some acne scars

Reduce pore size

What is the difference between traditional skin needling and RF needling?

Skin Needling is one of the most popular minimally invasive treatments for tackling a myriad of modern skin concerns, from skin laxity to sunspots, and fine lines to certain types of facial scarring.

Radio Frequency refers to the thermal energy that's delivered to the skin by a device with the intention of causing micro-injuries. The radio waves pass through the skin's surface to heat up the underlying tissue. This triggers the body's innate healing process, resulting in the production of the skin's natural structural components like collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.

RF microneedling combined adds the element of radiofrequency energy onto the already productive and stimulating microneedling procedure. The energy is delivered via the small needles to further enhance skin tightening, scar, and wrinkle reduction. The amount of radiofrequency energy (which converts into heat energy) can be adjusted to better suit certain skin conditions or certain areas of the body, and the depth of its application can also be adjusted to reach more base layers of the dermis. This causes collagen fibres to shrink and tighten a particular treatment area immediately. This commences the skin’s natural healing process to further increase elastin and collagen production.

Traditional microneedling will deliver a positive effect over a few treatments; but takes some to get to that point. 


With RF microneedling, the results are produced faster, are more dramatic, and are longer-lived. RF microneedling is faster and more effective.

Secret Rf How it works.png


Before your laser treatment in our Dubbo skin and laser clinic, you’ll have an in depth consultation to help create a personalised treatment plan for you. This is based on an assessment of the treatment area, as well as your medical history. Client safety and care is of the utmost importance to all of us, and therefore this will ensure your happiness and well-being, and that you receive the results you deserve.


What To Expect

Your skin is cleansed, prepared and a topical numbing cream is applied.

During the procedure the handpiece is progressively moved over the treatment area, stamping the skin with the fine microneedles and delivering the RF energy.

Each time the skin is stamped you might feel a prickling sensation and warmth lasting a fraction of a second. This indicates that the treatment is working effectively. The higher the energy setting and the deeper the needles penetrate the more intense this feeling is (and the greater the potential collagen remodelling and benefit). This can be altered during the procedure to produce a more comfortable or a more intense treatment, however, the sensation is far less intense than fractionated laser therapy. Any discomfort is minimised with anaesthetic cream. Some areas (around the jawline, mouth and eyes) may be a little more sensitive, but even here the discomfort is brief and usually easily tolerated.

The treatment takes 20-60 minutes depending on the area.


Best results happen when using a curated skincare routine at home, targeted at your skin concerns.

Two weeks prior the treatment, it is best to use sunscreen and avoid:

Sun exposure


Fake tan to the treatment area


At the conclusion of the treatment, the skin will have mild to moderate erythema (redness of the skin) and some swelling. These are normal and expected outcomes which settle shortly after treatment and resolve over the following 1 – 3 days.

You may feel a tightening and burning sensation, this may feel like sunburn or windburn. This will resolve within 24 hours post treatment.

Some clients may experience mild crusting post treatment, these will dry on the skin and slowly resolve, this can take up to 2 weeks for some patients. These are not to be picked or scratched off as this may encourage scaring and pigmentary changes.

*Gradual results will be visible over several weeks following your first treatment.*

Number of Treatments

Collagen production and remodelling takes time. The beneficial effects of Secret RF Needling are seen after 4-6 weeks but continue to develop for up to 4 months after each treatment.

Each clients treatment protocol will vary depending on individual factors such as the degree of wrinkling, loss of skin tone, skin colour and the area to be treated.

We recommend at least three treatments, each spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart. Most patients will see significant improvement after 4-6 treatments. The more treatments you have and the greater the intensity of the treatment, the more improvement you will see.

What Areas Can Be Treated?

Most common areas of treatment include the face, neck, hands and décolletage.

Gradual results will be visible over several weeks following your first treatment.

For Added Benefit

Pair CO2 with Radio Frequency Skin Needling for a skin tightening effect! 

Dubbo Skin and Laser Clinic, Skin Needling, Radio Frequency Micro Needling, Secret RF

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