Fraxis CO2 Laser | Fraxis Dubbo | Creative Skin and Laser
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Fraxis Dubbo Co2 Laser


A particularly popular choice for clients looking to refresh and revive tired, ageing skin with minimal discomfort and downtime involved.

What is it?

FRAXIS delivers a series of tiny microscopic laser beams to the skin.

This fractionated energy penetrates the skin, which helps to clear away old and damaged skin cells. The body’s natural healing process then builds new healthy cells to take their place.

The laser also stimulates the production of new collagen deep within your skin, giving you a more youthful looking appearance.

Some of the skin concerns that the Fraxis CO2 laser can treat include:

Sun damage on the face, neck and decolletage

Smoothing wrinkles and fine lines

Aging around the eye or mouth which are resistant to injections and fillers

Most skin textural concerns are improved

Reducing enlarged pores

The gold standard for many types of acne scarring

Surgical or burn scar revision

Reduces some types of pigmentation on the face, neck, and decolletage

What is the difference between Fraxel re:store, CO2 (FRAXIS), Clear+Brilliant and other lasers?

Carbon Dioxide Laser (CO2)- At a wavelength of 10,600nm a CO2 laser produces a beam of infrared light.  The laser beam is absorbed by water in your skin. When the laser interacts with the skin, it vapourises a layer of skin as well as causes some heating of the skin where the heat stimulates the growth of new collagen and elastin. This growth continues to manifest post-procedure in visible, skin-tightening improvements. The laser’s light also works to smooth out lines, wrinkles, and scars and remove brown spots or other irregularities. 

Fraxel re:store is simply a brand of laser, much like Toyota is a brand of car.

This laser is also a fractional laser, but not a carbon dioxide laser. It emits a wavelength of 1550nm. At this wavelength, no tissue is actually ablated (vapourised) and only tissue heating occurs. It tends to be a less effective treatment than fractional carbon dioxide laser which both ablate and heat tissue to maximise the results.

Clear+Brilliant is often referred to as the "baby fraxel" and focuses on superficial resurfacing using a less intense wavelength which is gentle on the skin. This gentler laser is perfect for maintaining healthy skin and ideal for treating superficial skin conditions such as small fine lines and wrinkles and minor sun damage. 

Other lasers- Many other lasers utilise fractionated technology. Many of the new ablative CO2 (like FRAXIS) lasers are fractionated meaning less down time, less risks of complications and comparable results to traditional resurfacing.

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Before your laser treatment in our Dubbo skin and laser clinic, you’ll have an in depth consultation to help create a personalised treatment plan for you. This is based on an assessment of the treatment area, as well as your medical history. Client safety and care is of the utmost importance to all of us, and therefore this will ensure your happiness and well-being, and that you receive the results you deserve.


What To Expect

Your skin is cleansed, prepared and a topical numbing cream is applied.

Once numb, your Dermal Therapist begins moving the handheld laser device across the treatment area as it emits its powerful light beam. The beam is usually a square, and performed section by section, lining up each ablated square in a grid-like pattern until the full area has been treated. 

The sensation can feel like a prickling sensation.

The treatment itself will take between 10-15mins. 

After treatment, a thick ointment will be applied, followed by mineral based sun protection.


We will provide you with specific laser treatment pre-op instructions, but one general rule of thumb is to avoid sun tanning for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment, as skin that has been exposed to UV rays is at a higher risk for complications and discomfort during the procedure. Also avoiding actives such as acids, retinols or retinoids, bleaching agents and hydroquinone, one week prior to treatment. 

If you have recently waxed or had laser hair removal on the area, we recommend waiting 1 week prior to having Fraxis. 


First 24 hours: Your skin will feel hot and may be itchy, much like an exaggerated sunburn. Redness and swelling is common. Over the next couple of days, your skin will feel like sandpaper and rough to the touch. Some bronzing my appear, depending on the level of the treatment. 

Weeks 1-2: The most significant recovery occurs in the first week. By the end of week 1, you can expect to resume your usual activities, but for some, downtime can be up to 2 weeks. You are encouraged to avoid wearing makeup for the first week if possible.

Week 3: After two weeks, you can expect to see an almost complete recovery. Your skin will continue building collagen over several months but will appear normal again by week 3, at which time patients usually feel the most comfortable resuming exercise.

Post 1 month: Expect to see real improvements in your skin after 4 weeks. At this time, if required, we may recommend that you undergo the next treatment in your treatment plan as discussed during your consultation. Surface skin results will be apparent as soon as healing’s complete, but it takes a few months to see the firming effects of increased collagen as your body naturally produces new cells and structural proteins.

After the initial healing phase, your skin can remain pink for several weeks. You can apply makeup to conceal redness, but only after new skin grows in the entire treated area. 

*Gradual results will be visible over several weeks following your first treatment.*

Number of Treatments

As with all Laser therapy treatments, the frequency and number of treatments will depend on your skin type, area affected, and the size of that area.

Generally, CO2 treatments require 3-4 sessions depending on the goals and conditions that are being treated. 

CO2 can also be administered in combination with other skin treatments to maximise results.

What Areas Can Be Treated?

Most common areas of treatment include the face, neck, hands and décolletage.

Gradual results will be visible over several weeks following your first treatment.

Best Suited For

If you are in general good health and are concerned about the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars or pigment irregularities, you are likely a good candidate for CO2 fractional laser therapy.

Clients who should not undergo CO2 laser treatments include women who are pregnant, those taking medications that increase photosensitivity, people undergoing chemotherapy, or those with bleeding or scarring disorders.

During your consultation, we will review your medical history thoroughly to ensure your candidacy.

For Added Benefit

Pair CO2 with Radio Frequency Skin Needling for a skin tightening effect! 

Dubbo Skin and Laser Clinic, Fraxis Co2 Laser, Fraxel Dubbo, Clear and Brilliant Dubbo, laser skin treatment, laser Dubbo, laser resurfacing

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